Logistics and Storage

Due to the experience FINK has acquired over almost 100 years, we know how important it is to have an efficient logistic plan. The ideal performance results in the success of the operation and, most of all, in the satisfaction of our customers.

Logística e Armazenamento

Com a experiência adquirida ao longo de sua história, a FINK sabe como é importante o resultado de uma logística eficiente. O desempenho ideal resulta no sucesso da operação e, principalmente, na satisfação dos nossos clientes.


Are you worried about the weight or amount of luggage when going through immigration and customs in your destination country? If you are going to study abroad, you probably have a lot to take with you. What to do about your books, your clothes, the bike you cherish, your guitar, and so forth? SimpliFINK – […]


FINK handles priceless works of art with safety. The handling and the excellent packing guarantee that all pieces arrive at final destination meeting all requirements. FINK international credibility and quality was reached through years of experience and research for innovative techniques and materials, as well as with the level of training of the FINK team.

Obras de Arte

A FINK transporta com segurança, obras de arte de valor inestimável. O manuseio e o rigor das embalagens garantem que tudo chegue ao destino com as condições exigidas. A qualidade e a credibilidade internacional da Fink foi alcançada através de anos de experiência com técnicas, pesquisas de materiais inovadores e o alto nível de treinamento […]

Transporte de obras de arte

Alguns bens são absolutamente insubstituíveis, como é o caso das obras de arte, em geral peças únicas e de valor histórico e cultural inestimáveis. Elas demandam cuidados específicos quando precisam ser transportadas para uma exposição ou por exemplo, de uma galeria de arte para seu comprador.

Transport of works of art

Some goods are absolutely irreplaceable, as is the case of works of art, generally single pieces of valuable historical and cultural value. They require specific care when they need to be transported to an exhibition or, for example, an art gallery for their buyer.

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