Equipe nota mil
Equipe nota mil. Todos muito competentes, educados e ágeis. Recomendarei a empresa para amigos pela organização e responsabilidade.
Team is 1000!
Team is 1000! All very competent, educated and quick. I will recommend FINK to my friends for the organization and responsibility.
O vital papel da FINK na Bienal de Curitiba – 2017

A Bienal de Curitiba chega a sua sexta edição, em 2017, trazendo cultura e arte oriental para a capital paranaense. A grande homenageada da vez é a China: uma nação de cada vez mais relevância internacional contemporânea, de longa história e de cultura milenar. E para bem representar o vasto repertório artístico chinês, diversos centros […]
FINK’s vital role in the Curitiba Biennial – 2017

The Curitiba Biennial reaches its sixth edition in 2017, bringing Oriental art and culture to the capital of Paraná. The country honored this year was China: a nation that is becoming increasingly relevant internationally , and with thousands of years of history and culture. And, to best represent the vast Chinese artistic wealth, several exhibition […]
IAAPA 2017 (IAAPA Atractions Expo)
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your dedication and effort for my sake shown until now in this process, each person involved so far has contributed for this to become reality, you were a fundamental part of it.