According to research, the number of Brazilians living alone has grown in the last few years.
The number of Brazilians living alone has grown in the last few years. With the pandemic, many persons have decided to find their own home – a way to have privacy amidst the isolation inside the house. Data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad Contínua)(Pnad Contínua) show this tendency. Currently, 16.2% of Brazilian homes are formed by only one resident – which corresponds to 11.7 million people. In 2015, the loners formed 14.6% of the country’s homes.
If you want to live alone, the golden tip is financial planning. The first step is to have an emergency reserve, in case of unexpected expenses. With the money saved, add up all the foreseen fixed costs, such as rent and condominium rates, power and gas bills, and supermarket expenses. Then, make an estimate of variable expenses, such as leisure, health and education. With the calculation in hand, you have a basis to guide you in the future without falling into debt.
After planning your budget, it’s time to look for the right accommodation. Compare prices and take under consideration factors such as leisure areas and nearness to commerce. Be careful not to choose something bigger than what you need at the moment. Do you have an address? It’s time to move! Choosing a trustworthy moving company that follows all the safety protocols may spare you unnecessary headaches. Being organized is also very important when moving house.
Lastly, it’s the moment of adaptation. If, on the one hand, the gain in privacy and autonomy is inarguable, on the other hand, responsibility is needed in order to manage a home all by yourself. This you will learn with time and experience.