How FINK has reduced internally its production of waste.

The generation of industrial waste by an exaggerated consumption of products can wreak catastrophic damage in the environment, even in the short term. Therefore, FINK has organized internally and proposed a structural change in the habits and behavior of the company culture, aiming at reducing our environmental impact.

In practical and executive terms, within our headquarters we have drastically reduced the use of disposable materials in some areas. Plastic cups have been replaced by reusable models, for instance. In the bathrooms, we have eliminated paper towels, using wall hand dryers instead.
Additionally to these initiatives, FINK has implemented its new system – iFINK – which allows the company to become paperless, controlling all the processes online.
These simple actions have a huge impact when placed in the perspective of a long term horizon. This has a great impact on the good management of resources consumed by the company, and reduces the potential of casting these materials into ambiances that will contaminate natural biomes.
Finally, we also see in these actions a change in the community culture. Our collaborators also begin to understand the need for awareness regarding environmental issues. Thus, we influence the behavior of thousands of people, even if only indirectly.
The reduction in the production of waste is one of the actions that reflect our policy of social and environmental responsibility.

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