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A New Beginning: how moving house inspires changes in life

Did you know that moving house is one of the most important decisions in life? Yes, believe it, no matter how nomadic you may be, each choice of a new home represents a big change in your life. And this is because, when you step into a new dwelling for the first time, your destiny will receive strong influences, positive or negative, based on your previous experiences. Moving house is one of the most empirical demonstrations that nothing is the same as it was before.

Be it for professional reasons, for wanting a better house – in price or space – for wanting a better neighborhood, or because of changes in relationships – beginning or end – from the moment you turn the key in the front door, your life will never be the same again, because our home is a reflection of our inner self, as well as a representation of our mood (whether we are motivated or not to furnish it/keep it neat), and of our financial reality.

Therefore, if our house is a mirror of what there is inside us, every time we move, the house also changes. The same is true for the relationships you will establish from then on with the people you share the same roof with, or even with those who don’t live in your house but are often there.

It’s simple: if you move to a larger apartment or house, you will, of course, gain space, which is a good thing. On the other hand, you will need more time and effort to clean and organize everything. Your mood will depend on the balance between what you like or dislike about certain aspects of the place.

Therefore, be very careful before choosing a new dwelling. Consider the price, the conditions of the place, your expectations about the space and the distance from your place of work or leisure. Thus, use your change of house as fuel for changes you’ve always wished for in your life.

The key to happiness, in this case, is feeling that the new home can offer experiences that you’ve always wished for but never had in your previous homes. Make plans for every corner of your house, be it decoration, furniture or your occupation of that space, and also plan visits from your family and friends. And may the thought of moving house always seem to you the starting point of a better life.

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