A new home: How to make your pet adapt to the move

See here good tips for those who are moving to a new home with their pets.

Moving house is a real mission. Adapting to the new home encompasses a series of factors, from the amount –greater or smaller – of outside noise, to the size of the house, the distribution of furniture, neighborhood, leisure options there, and many other major changes. And, if for human adults there is a challenge, imagine pets, who do not participate in these decisions. To relieve their stress, their owners must pay attention to some points we have selected.

The first step is to take your pet on a visit to the new house, letting it explore it. Thus, the pet familiarizes itself with that space. It’s important that he feels the new smells and marks out the territory set to be his, so let him play around for a while and explore. Remember: the main objective of the visit is to give your pet complete confidence in the new environment, which isn’t always possible, especially during the move, so take snacks and toys. The second step is to be patient: cats and dogs are territorial, and won’t immediately adapt after the move. During this process of transitioning to what will be their new home, many animals become withdrawn and disobedient, destroying things in the house and relieving themselves in the wrong place. Remember: this “rebellion” is their way of showing their discontent, since they can’t express themselves through words.

Therefore, the third and last tip: do your best to show them that there is a new routine for them there. What most stresses your pet is the feeling that it has lost its routine. Especially during the first days, when there are strangers in the house – in the process of moving and the installation of items and services, painting, etc. In order to give them a minimum of their old routine, owners must maintain their usual schedule for feeding, walking, sleeping and playing, for instance.

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