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Abrolhos: meet the nursery of marine life in Brazil

When the question is to know the life in South America, Abrolhos is a destination not to be missed. Consisting of five islands, the archipelago is considered one of the most important “nurseries” of marine life in the world, which means an extensive range of animals that migrate to the region in the time of procreation.

Besides the incredible biological factor, Abrolhos is also recognized for its paradisiacal look and for the deep contact that the visitor establishes with nature. The geographic arrangement of the corals gave rise to a series of natural pools, with calm, crystalline waters and incredibly rich in marine life – a perfect equation for free dives.

As for the planning of the trip, the months of July to November will provide the encounter with humpback whales, among several other animals in the time of procreation. Between December and May is the most crystalline season of the local waters. Regardless of the choice, your experience will be incredible.

Unfortunately there are no places to stay in the archipelago, and hotel options are on the mainland. Visitation to the islands begins at 7 a.m. with a return scheduled to 05:30 p.m. – enough time to get to know the local beauties.

Abrolhos is an obligatory destination for ecotourism lovers and curious about marine biology. If you fit into any of these profiles, do not waste time and choose this heavenly place as your next vacation destination.

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