American dream: why the USA is so attractive for Brazilians

Around 40% of Brazilian immigrants live in the United States, the country that heads the list of countries that most shelter those who are discontented with Brazil. In 2017 alone, Brazilians invested US$2.3 billion in American real estate.

According to a study published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in July of this year, 3.7 million Brazilians live abroad. The number, which considers the highest estimation, points to another surprising fact: around 1,490,000 Brazilians – that is, about 40% of the total – chose the United States as their destination country, a number that is higher than the sum of those who live in all the countries of Europe (1,010,330), Asia (319,311), Middle East (70,933), Oceania (18,500), Africa (15,594) and Central America (6,838).

In the book “Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos: Meio Século Refazendo a América (1960-2010) (Brazilians in the United States: Half a Century Remaking America), researchers Alvaro de Castro e Lima and Alanni Barbosa de Castro note that the Brazilian community in the United States is more integrated and qualified than the average of immigrants from other countries. This reflects on the success of Brazilians there, besides the greater attraction for those who live in Brazil and embrace the American dream: a lower unemployment rate (5%) and a higher domestic income (US$55,463 yearly). Still according to the book, the educational level of Brazilian immigrants in the USA is considered high, since 46% have incomplete Higher Education – versus 35% of other immigrants – and 30% have a Higher Education diploma – versus 23% of other immigrants.

Profile of the Brazilian who lives in the United States

According to the book, 56% are women, versus 44% of men. The largest age range is from 30 to 44 years of age (39%), followed by 45 to 59 years of age (26%), 20 to 29 years of age (18%), 60 or over (10%), and only 7% among those under 20 years old. Other important data: 59% pay rent, versus 41% that own their homes; 52% spend over 30% of their income on rent, and 57% are married. The preferred states are: Florida, followed by Massachusetts, New York-New Jersey and California.

Economic and political crisis causes the exit of Brazilians

The serious economic and political crisis that has devastated Brazil since 2015 has provoked an immigration phenomenon. In search of countries that are more stable, with better opportunities for jobs and fewer social deficiencies, such as social inequality, violence and corruption, a considerable number of Brazilians have decided to start a new life on foreign soil. Comparatively, the number of Brazilians that have delivered declarations of definitive exit from Brazil has more than doubled since 2011: from 8,170 declarations to 21,717, according to the Brazilian IRS.

Investments abroad nearly double

According to data from the Brazilian Central Bank, the profile of Brazilians that leave the country to start a new life abroad is, in general, not a bit modest. In 2018 alone, the immigrants spent no less than US$6.1 billion on real estate, almost twice what was invested in 2011, US$3.6 billion. Of this amount, more than one third was spent on American soil: US$2.3 billion, that is, more than triple the investment in Portugal, US$725 million. Outstanding, also, are the values registered in France (US$589 million) and in Italy (US$290 million).

List of the 15 countries with the most Brazilians

  1. United States – 1,490,000
  2. Paraguay – 515,517
  3. Japan – 310,751
  4. United Kingdom – 300,000
  5. Portugal – 160,000
  6. Spain – 150,000
  7. Italy – 132,000
  8. French Guiana – 70,000
  9. Switzerland – 60,000
  10. Germany – 59,338
  11. Lebanon – 50,000
  12. Bolivia – 46,600
  13. Belgium – 43,638
  14. Argentina – 42,921
  15. Surinam – 40,000

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