Annual report shows success of the partnership in exchanges between Brazil and Germany

Even with the new coronavirus pandemic, Germany remained among the four nations that most receive people interested in studying abroad. According to the annual report “Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2021”, which compiles information about the internationalization of study and research in Germany and in the world, the European country received no less than 325 thousand foreign students in its educational institutions. This number corresponds to a rise of 5 thousand (2% of the total) new registrations, and leaves Germany only behind the Unites States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Produced by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), the largest German organization in the field of academic exchange, the study considers the winter semester between 2020/2021. Still according to the DAAD, since 2010 the increase of international students in Germany presented an incredible growth of 80%. With regard to the numbers of academic cooperation, for instance, Brazil figures in the list of ten countries that most send researchers to German universities.

On the other hand, the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst report informs that Brazil holds an outstanding position among the main countries that are Germany’s partners. In the ranking of countries with the most cooperation and partnership agreements with German educational institutions, Brazil holds the fifth position. Still according to the Wissenschaft Weltoffen, in the last ten years the number of partnerships between German and Brazilian universities has tripled.

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