Are you travelling by plane? Know what types of masks have been approved for boarding

Know what the main airlines recommend for the use of this mandatory item during the trip.

Packing your bags, arriving at the airport, checking in, boarding, landing, and getting your bags. How often have you followed this pleasant routine for those who like to fly and, especially, to reach another destination. However, in times of the new coronavirus, tasks that were simple – such as that natural process for those who travel for leisure or for work – now require the utmost attention, in order to maintain our own health, as well as the health of the other passengers and of those who we’re meeting at our destination.

The first step begins at home, well before the trip: evaluating the real need for the trip, and if it can’t be delayed. If not, the second step is to check if you have any symptoms of the new coronavirus, such as fever, coughing, throat ache, coryza and breathlessness. In case of one or more of these symptoms, it is best to cancel the trip, and to avoid any physical contact with others, as well as immediately seeking a doctor. If there are no symptoms and the trip cannot be delayed, let’s go on to the preparations for it.

Just as we prepare a script before the flight, now we need to research the guidelines and restrictions of the local government and health authorities, such as, in Brazil, the Ministry of Health and, for general rules, the World Health Organization (WHO). To make your life easier, we have listed the main points. Seek the most recent information to understand the documents needed and if the destination’s borders are open for tourists, as well as if there are recommendations for quarantine on arrival at the destination.

When packing your bag, leave an exclusive (and accessible) space for a series of masks. Yes, you’ll need a lot of masks during the trip, especially in view of time of exposure and the fact that it may be difficult to sanitize the mask. The masks must be changed whenever they become damp and/or every 3 hours, according to the WHO.

Still according to the Organization, the masks must cover nose and mouth, fitting comfortably on the nose and chin. It must be noted that Anvisa has notified that, for flights, only double (or more) layered cotton or tricoline cotton masks are permitted. Only when eating can the masks be temporarily removed.

While you are in the airport, avoid crowds and keep at a distance of one and a half meters from other passengers. If the passenger next to you refuses to wear a mask, call a flight attendant. Take gel alcohol and wet wipes to sanitize the places you touch. Clean the arms and back of your seat, the tray, the TV and light and air vent buttons. Lastly, when disembarking, sanitize your bag. And have a good, safe trip.

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