Assistance reduces bureaucracy and facilitates the life of those who are moving abroad

According to the Definitive Country Exiting Statements delivered to the Brazilian IRS, the number of Brazilians who decided to leave the country and try a new life abroad has increased 165% since 2011. From 8,170 migrants to 21,701, there were 2.65 times more Brazilians venturing abroad. Hitching a ride, literally, on this phenomenon, it is worth noting some very important, but, up to now, little discussed information: the practical details of this move. If deciding everything on one’s own is practically impossible, it is worthwhile resorting to a company qualified for international moves, and, thus, reducing drastically the bureaucracy and doubts about what to take.

From bureaucratic and complex, considering all the migrants’ other worries, the move can become simple and practical, as long as it is carried out by people with know-how. For example, through the relocation service offered by FINK, your belongings travel agilely and safely, and you can count on guidance for obtaining the necessary documentation both in Brazil and in the final destination, as well as help in learning the new language, and in finding a new home and new schools for the children.

With the relocation service, it’s possible, for example, to find temporary dwellings that offer cost x benefits while you have time to adapt to your new surroundings and analyze a bigger investment in a new, permanent living- place. As for the teaching institutions, a specialized orientation is able to find a school/college compatible with, or even superior to, the corresponding one in Brazil. And all this with the help of a bilingual assistant who is also able to hire all kinds of services for you, your family and your house, such as painting, repairs, television and internet packages, and many others.

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