Australia offers scholarships to Brazilian researchers

The end of the year is coming, and planning their academic future dominates the minds of Brazilian students and researchers. It’s time to plan, as well, that study season abroad, so often postponed. If your favorite destination is Australia, it’s time to pack your bags.

That’s because those interested in going to kangaroo-land have a chance to make their dreams come true this month. There are two opportunities for Brazilians there with open enrollment: the programs Endeavour and ATN-LATAM.

The Capes site confirms the offer, highlighting, in the case of Endeavour, that there are four types of scholarships in all: two professional and two scientific. According to the institution, the scientific ones are for post-graduate studies at the level of master’s degree or full Ph.D., offering scholarships of up to AUD 24.5 per year, and master’s degree or Ph.D. sandwich with payments that reach AUD 30 thousand.

As for the ATN-LATAM Research Scholarship Scheme, there are at least ten scholarships for full Ph.D. for Latin-American students in one of the five institutions that are part of the Australian network of technological universities – Curtin University, University of South Australia, Queensland University of Technology, University of Technology Sydney and RMIT University.

Enrollment for Endeavour is open until November 15th. The deadline for  ATN-LATAM is until January 31st, 2019. Hurry up!

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