Bonito-MS: an ode to nature

Boasting the World Responsible Tourism Awards 2013, which establishes the best responsible tourism destination on the planet, the name Bonito is self-explanatory to what tourists will find upon arriving in the city. In itineraries that are a true contemplation of nature, the city, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, is marked by transparent waters of rivers, waterfalls, lagoons and rapids.

The main tourist city in the Serra da Bodoquena region, in Bonito, there are efficient public policies for the preservation of nature, in constantly evolving technologies and inspections. For where you look, it is possible to take a beautiful photo, be it in the sports walks and trails, or in visits to the waterfalls, caves and caves.

Get to know the recreation options at Bonito:

Pit: Located in the Valley of the Anhumas, 23km from Bonito, Abismo Anhumas has no less than 72 meters of vertical rappel descent, of course, watched closely by a team responsible for the safety of tourists. At the end of the cave, a great surprise: a deck installed on the crystal clear waters of the lake, inside the cave, from where it is possible to perform an unforgettable dive.

Diving: In addition to the already mentioned diving in Alhumas, Bonito offers divers options like Figueira Beach, where there is a lake with a boat and submerged planes. There is also diving at Rio de la Plata, with depth of 8 meters, as well as diving at Rio Formoso, with a sensational limestone formation.

Rappel: for those who are lovers or even for those who want to start in practice, Fazenda Boca da Onça offers the highest platform rappelling in the country. The incredible 90-meter descent is full of emotions, blessed by the sensational view of the Salobra River canyon and framed by rock walls sculpted by the force of water millions of years ago. The farm, located in the Serra da Bodoquena, is 55 km from Bonito.

Bike Tour: Departure in the morning at 07:30 or in the afternoon at 15:30, the Lobo Guará Bike Tour offers five types of cycle routes for all ages, from amateurs, 6 km away, even for professional cyclists, With 130 km of pedaling. The operator offers high quality imported bikes and itineraries for those who want to contemplate the beauties of the city. In addition, the tourist participates in a reforestation campaign that allows to plant a native seedling during the tour. The Bike Tour on the Rio Sucuri, located at Fazenda São Geraldo, in the Serra da Bodoquena, offers an incredible 2h cycle ride in the middle of the closed forest, contemplating the fauna and flora of the place.

The rapids in a float: have you ever imagined going down more than 1000 meters from a river like a fish? This is the proposal of the 40 minutes aboard an individual buoy of Boia Cross Cabanas, in a wonderful exploration of Rio Formoso. On the way, there are three waterfalls and two rapids amidst hundreds of fish and a remarkable underwater flora.

Arvorismo: the same Hotel Cabanas presents another great service to the tourists: the Arvorismo Cabins, circuit with 18 obstacles and 2 ziplines. For the safety of the participants, the route is made with one of the most modern wagon systems with continuous life cable. That is, you do not disconnect from the cables at any point in the ride.

Spas: There are several options for spas in Bonito. From the Balneário Municipal – with the crystalline waters of the Rio Formoso and the contact with the local fish – passing through Balneário da Ilha Bonita and arriving at Balneário do Sol – that besides a magical nature provides a rich infrastructure with restaurants and sports practices.

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