Children in international moves: tips for better adaptation

The opportunity of moving to a new country is something many people seek for during all their life. On a personal or on a professional plane, this is a wish that involves dreams, reaching objectives, and new perspectives in general.

However, an event such as this becomes complex when other persons are involved in the decision. Especially when they are powerless to decide, and don’t completely understand what’s going on: this is the case with children.

No matter how valuable an international experience may be for their future, youngsters are unable to have this long term view. When they undergo a move, they tend to miss their classmates and friends, their routine, their school, their relatives, and many different parts of their life.

And to make their adaptation more natural, it’s very important to soften their initial contact with the destination country. Very often, some simple actions are enough to create empathy between the child and his/her new home.

One of the big mistakes committed by parents in the first weeks after a move is not to attach great importance to their children’s adaptation to the new country. This is understandable, for they are often busy with other important issues. In the first weekends, it’s a good idea to take them to amusement parks, movie theaters, and other local leisure attractions. It’s important for the children to develop good memories of this new life, in order to consider natural the concept of moving.

Talking is also extremely important. Frequently, establishing a dialogue about the children’s experiences in their new daily life can help them understand everything that is happening, as they verbalize their thoughts. The feeling of being heard is also comforting in moments of anguish.

Finally, it’s very important to keep in touch with pedagogic professionals in the new school. Most of the children’s time will normally be spent there. Teachers, coordinators, and other members of the school’s staff can better understand children’s behavior as time passes. Thus, they will be able to orient parents on how to deal with whatever problems that may come up.

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