Covid-19: interchange plans in main Brazilian destinations

Information about the entry of interchange students in Canada, France, Ireland, England, United States, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

The new coronavirus pandemic has brought changes to the world relative to our routines, and has cancelled our certainties with relation to our plans for the future. This affected those who wished to go on an interchange, and even those who were already studying abroad and faced several issues about the entry and permanence visa in foreign territory, a matter that was not treated unanimously by embassies and consulates, since directives could be altered from one day to the next, according to the increase in the number of cases of the virus. As a guideline for Brazilian interchange students, we list the latest directives for the main
destinations (updated on 02/03/2021).

Beginning with Canada, one of the main interchange destinations, a mandatory quarantine of 14 days starting on arrival to the country has been determined. The candidate for interchange must present a student visa and a document testifying the importance of the trip. Social isolation for two weeks is also the rule in South Africa for tourists, unless the student presents a negative PCR test for Covid-19 done in the 72 hours previous to embarkation in the country of origin.

In France, those interested must present a student visa for over 90 days, besides a negative PCR test done in the 72 hours previous to disembarking in the country – and a sworn statement. In the UK, in lockdown until February 19, the interchange student must fill in a state of health form and also remain in quarantine for 10 days, or present a negative PCR test for Covid-19 – done 3 days before arrival in the country.

In Chile, entry is allowed only at the Santiago airport, as long as the interchange student presents: electronic traveler declaration form ( filled in 48 hours before embarkation; negative PCR test done 72 hours before arrival at the country; receipt for health insurance policy covering Covid-19 and related problems during visit to country. As for the United Arab Emirates, for the student to enter the country the PCR test must be done on arrival at the Dubai international airport.

In Australia, the local government has informed that they will liberate the issuing of student visas in the Embassies and Consulates in the countries of origin as soon as the frontiers are opened. With the second wave of the new coronavirus ravaging several countries, the frontiers remain closed for exchange students in Germany and Spain (until 02/17), in Argentina, Austria, United States, Holland, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland.

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