Dear sirs, i write to pass my compliments to the team in charge of my move.

Dear Sirs,

I write to pass my compliments to the team in charge of my move.

I asked for estimates to other companies, but FINK impressed me most. Besides the competitive proposal, the process coordination was excellent, keeping me always informed. I only have compliments regarding FINK.

I would also like to compliment the team who packed my move. They were all very fast, calm and professional. They were able to do a complete door to door move of more than 40m3 in just 3 days and very calmly and smoothly. I have closely observed the work and could see the dedication, the care and the attention of each one. They were also always very gentle and helpful.

For personal reasons I moved 7 times in the last 10 years. This has probably been my best experience to this moment. Everything ran totally smoothly and, for the fist time, there was no damage at all. On the contrary: the team was able to recover items that, by my mistake, I was throwing away when I decided to unpack some boxes myself.

I only have good words. Congratulations for the job well done. I am already recommending FINK to friends and relatives. I hope FINK continues with this standard of excellence. And congratulations for the selection and training of these excellent professionals.

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