Do not leave them behind! FINK helps you take your pet

Pets have been in the lives of human beings for thousands of years. Considered useful, animals were used as tools in many different ways. However, since they are live beings and not objects, they have stopped being seen as tools, and have become our companions. And nowadays, they are even more relevant, being considered by many as friends, or even members of the family.

Even though they occupy this special place in our society, there are cases in which animals, for various reasons, cannot accompany their humans. And one of the situations in which this can happen is when one moves house, especially if it is to another country, for, in this case, many more factors must be considered.

But do not worry. FINK carries out your move and can also deal with all the bureaucracy involved, so that you can take your little friend to your new destination, and help him as much as possible to adapt to the new ambiance. But first, there are a few things that must be dealt with so that your pet can embark with you on this new journey.

This starts with the legislation of the destination country regarding the entry and exit of animals. It must be studied ahead of time, so that all the legalities are fulfilled in advance, allowing your pet to accompany you from the start. FINK is specialized in the Brazilian legislation and in that of each other country, and can give you all the necessary guidance.

In addition, the climate of the destination country must be analyzed, for it may be completely different from the one the animal is accustomed to in its native land. Based on the study of the climatic conditions of the new place, measures may be planned and applied so that the pet doesn’t suffer from all the differences.

Moving house is usually difficult. And moving abroad is even more complex. Getting used to a new location and a new culture takes time, and can be difficult at first. And we humans aren’t the only ones to find it hard to adapt. Animals also find it hard, and should be helped by their tutors.

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