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How to proceed with a process of moving to Brazil

A process of international moving depends on procedures based on specific legislations, agreements between countries, and other diverse important points for the perfect execution of the service.

How do digital tools help in choosing the ideal expatriates for companies?

Importing skilled workers may be the solution for several problems in a team. Besides adding specific and technical knowledge, the expat has the potential of turning the corporate ambiance more plural culturally, which tends to have a positive influence in terms of creative strategic solutions for the teams.

Remobilization of global relocation post-coronavirus: what to expect.

The new coronavirus pandemic caught the world by surprise in the first semester of this year. During this period, many difficulties were imposed on the markets in all their stages of production, distribution and sales. This, obviously, had many effects throughout the world, and it was no different in the relocation market.

Can technology popularize global mobility?

We know that the mobility of people who are talented, well trained and qualified in their field is acknowledged as a positive event in the corporate world. Nowadays,  major companies, as well as individuals, are interested in moving around the world in search of new work opportunities.

Post-graduation outside Brazil: preparing for this experience

The contemporary world increasingly demands a more refined education for those who wish to be well-qualified in the work market. Regardless of one’s field, a history of good results in high quality institutions will be the basis for opportunities and a successful career.

Readapting the work experience to a home office model

The need to adapt to remote work impacted a great many people all over the world these last few months. This situation, however, served as a direction in which managers could identify the opportunity to adapt their work to a simpler model, with less cost for the company in question while maintaining a high level […]

The professional organization of corporate moves

Professionals in company management know that their future plans are easily susceptible to changes. In some cases, with respect to ample issues, such as economic changes in the country, and in other situations, with respect to events related to the reality of the institution in question.

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