Be Informed – Associations: ARTIM

Continuing to speak of art, besides the ICEFAT, FINK is proud to be part of ARTIM (Art Transporters International Meeting), a global organization that unites important businesses specialized in the transport of artwork.

With its participation in ARTIM, FINK is benefited by being connected to businesses with a very high level of expertise, knowledge and solidity. The aim of the meeting is to align actions and exchange experiences so that, together, they can attend to their clients, which are great museums, galleries and collectors based in any city in the world. 

The 61 participating businesses are situated in 45 countries and have knowledge and great experience in offering logistics solutions that link safety, customized service, expertise in the production of unique packaging for artwork, and engagement in sustainability actions both for national and international shipments. 

For FINK, acting together with the members of ARTIM means having partners that are trustworthy and internationally known in the fine arts market, which reinforces Fink’s commitment to always finding the best for its clients. This positioning throughout all its years of operating in this market has consolidated Fink as the only agent of artwork in Latin America to complete 100 years of existence with the total respect and recognition of the market community. Therefore, FINK is prepared to attend to the specific needs of the transportation of artwork with total safety and efficacy.

Thank you for following FINK’s history with ARTIM. Stay tuned to the next articles in the series of FINK’s partnerships, in which we tell more about the associations that are part of our global network of trustworthy partners. 

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