Be Informed – Associations: ICEFAT

The industry of transporting fine art is highly specialized and requires a solid network of trustworthy and experienced professionals to ensure that the works are delivered safely and efficiently. Thus, networking is one of the main tools for businesses in this sector, for it allows them to connect with other professionals and businesses that share the same values and standards of quality all over the world.

In our latest articles, we plunged into FINK’s strategic partnerships in several industries, including mobility, international relocation and transport logistics for fairs and events. Now, we’ll explore a highly relevant sector at FINK: the logistics for artwork and its international associations. 

Fink is a business specialized in the transportation of fine art and recognized internationally for its quality and for linking tradition and renovation. With 100 years of experience and worldwide credibility, FINK counts on a highly trained team, and offers services of excellence to museums, galleries, auction houses, curators, collectors, and exhibit producers.

ICEFAT (International Convention of Exhibition and Fine Art Transporter) is a worldwide association of art logistics founded in1977, where all its members are examined and voted for based on their history, longevity, merits, and good commercial practices. The continuous commitment of ICEFAT members to protecting the world’s cultural heritage has gained the admiration of the art community and of insurance businesses. Through ICEFAT we have access to a global network of trustworthy partners that are committed to the best practices of handling, transportation and storage of works of art. 

ICEFAT is managed by an elected Board of Directors, composed of six people from different businesses, in order to represent its 79 members all over the world. FINK is proud to participate in the ICEFAT Board, voluntarily participating in the development of the global industry. Through this governance, ICEFAT aims to maintain and improve its high standards of excellence in art logistics, a complex and challenging task, and that today counts on a unique auditing program by Ernst&Young, developed exclusively for ICEFAT. This program evaluates all the relevant aspects, from the building structure and fleet, through packing procedures and handling, to insurance coverage and risk management. 

ICEFAT’s aim is to promote the highest standards of performance and service, besides contributing to the interaction and communication among its members. Through its subcommittees of Standards, Marketing, Financial, and Green, it develops actions directed to each of those themes.  Annually, members meet in a city somewhere in the world to share experiences, seek knowledge through presentations and lectures during the Congress, and do lots of networking.

FINK is immensely benefited by this exclusive community and is positioned as the oldest fine art logistics business in Latin America, with 100 years of much work, dedication and respect for humanity’s great cultural collections. 

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