Exemplary communication is the key for overcoming the present moment

We are living in a memorable period of modern history. We will surely create marks for this period in the future. The important thing is to ensure that this heritage will be positive, by adapting our way of working with the focus on productivity and efficiency, using digital tools in this process.

In order to maintain good understanding in logistic teams, for instance, good communication among different sectors has always been a tender point for the success of any project. With our growing technological evolution, the potential for establishing a better dialogue and understanding of tasks, strategies and projects has become even greater.

Therefore, at a moment of social isolation, when administrative tasks are executed from each collaborator’s home, and the work in loco must be extremely precise and as efficient as possible, to have organized communication is of the utmost importance.

At FINK, for instance, we have daily meetings between our teams, in order to create daily work sociability, thus ensuring the alignment, planning, and execution of tasks in a perfect way, as is our custom. Throughout this quarantine period, we have obtained very positive results with regard to our relationship at a distance.

Thus, technology, data intelligence, and good remote communication are already essential aspects in the life of any company that desires a solid and successful future. FINK is a pioneer in the adoption of new tools, not only for the markets of moving, relocation and logistics, but also for their management, always being in the vanguard of these industries in Brazil.

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