Dear customer,

FINK mobility has taken the following measures in order to protect its employees, customers and the society:

Since 2 weeks ago we reviewed our contingency and business continuity plans to make sure they are good enough to face the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have established protocols for our teams and have trained them to make sure all actions and preventive cares are understood by all.

We have implemented home office for our office staff and you should see no difference in our services, considering FINK has paperless operations and all documentation is in our system.
We are suggesting virtual surveys to customers, instead of sending the surveyor to the residence.

We have put masks and alcohol gel available for all employees and trucks, in case you feel more comfortable requesting them to use it while at your residence.
All our crews carry liquid soap and disposable towels to frequently wash their hands during the services.

We are working together with customers HR´s and private customer to establish the best customized procedure considering time and origin of a possible travel of the families we need to assist.

Special cleaning of our facilities is taking place daily.We have organized private transportation to our operational crews to prevent them to use public transportation.
Our HR is keeping all employees duly informed every day to assure every employee is aware of any development in the procedures and actions taken.

All travels are cancelled.Management is monitoring and keeping regular pre-establish calls with all divisions to keep communication as frequent as in the office.

We reassure our commitment to our people and the society, while keeping our services with seamless adaptation to the difficult reality we are now facing regarding COVID-19.

 Stay safe!

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