FINK reuses leaves in Compost Project. How you can do this, too.

One of the important actions for a sustainable life project is trying to reuse available material in new ways. With this in mind, FINK gave an important function to the leaves that fall from the many trees in its headquarters’ garden.

This is an extremely easy process, known as composting. The dry leaves are basically used as a source of nutrients for the gardens. This process, naturally, takes some time to be completed.

The leaves need a long maturation period in order to become organic matter. Some take over three years to begin really decomposing, depending on how much cellulose needs to be broken down.

However, we can facilitate this process. The preparation for faster composting uses a process of shredding and constant dampening of the leaves. It’s important to shred them and put them into a closed plastic bag, and to dampen them constantly. Be careful not to get them too wet, for this might accelerate the process to the point of completely rotting the material.

Composting can be done with diverse organic materials that are very often present in our daily life. Reusing these materials is a way of protecting the city from an accumulation of trash in manholes, thus causing flooding, and from pollution in general. Reuse is a central part in a concrete sustainability program.

Reusing, recycling, and reducing are the foundations of conscious consumption. This is one of the items of our social and environmental responsibility policy:


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