Good hygiene is the major weapon against Covid-19

Coronavirus has become a huge world problem, and, unfortunately, there still aren’t any drugs that have been proven to combat it efficiently. This leaves the population with very few weapons, but some of them are very important in the fight against the virus.

Most of them are tightly linked to hygiene, and they mitigate contagion in several cases, and make contagion on a large scale less harmful to health systems. Therefore, it’s important to follow these recommendations very strictly, always remembering to do everything to avoid contagion.

First of all, wash your hands. It is very important that the simple cleansing of hands, using soap and water, is done whenever possible. It is the most effective way to avoid contagion, especially if you must go out in the street daily.

Always carry a flask of gel alcohol. It also helps fight the virus that may be on our hands. It is very important to carry out this hand hygiene whenever we are in contact with public surfaces, such as bannisters, door knobs, doors, and such.

This is because the virus may be lodged in those places, when an infected person has direct contact with the surface. The virus may survive for days in those places, which makes them a highly potential transmission vector. When we come in touch with those places and then touch our nose, mouth or eyes, we become contaminated. Thus, it is extremely important that these hygienic measures be taken.

These recommendations had become a part of FINK’s daily behavior even before the virus was first diagnosed in Brazil. Together with a series of other actions, we are doing everything to protect our collaborators and clients.

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