How do digital tools help in choosing the ideal expatriates for companies?

Importing skilled workers may be the solution for several problems in a team. Besides adding specific and technical knowledge, the expat has the potential of turning the corporate ambiance more plural culturally, which tends to have a positive influence in terms of creative strategic solutions for the teams.

However, what must be done in order to choose the ideal candidate among the many different applicants all over the world? What are the parameters that measure and classify their profiles, and how to put together, analyze and extract that data?

All of these questions are extremely pertinent, and must be asked by HR specialists who wish to diversify their company’s teams. Part of the analysis is done by technology. The digital tools for data analysis are able to standardize the necessary critique of each candidate’s profile, qualifying him based on essential criteria and verifying which individuals have a greater tendency to be successful in the position.     

But we mustn’t forget the human side! Hiring a company specialized in cultural training can help in the decision about the choice of the ideal candidate, and strongly contribute to the success of an expatriation. 

This type of solution also takes into account aspects of the candidates’ adaptability with relation to the social context into which they will be integrated, based on the position to be occupied.  Mastery of different languages, hierarchy of positions occupied throughout their career, level of education, and other topics are criteria that may be considered unimportant in a profile analysis, but that surely make a difference in the final result of the transference.

This type of technology, together with the science of psychology, is the great tool of intelligence for the human resources sectors. Technology can make the work go faster. The ability to make immediate decisions offers clear advantages in the choice of the market’s best assets, improving even more the potential of the corporate teams and returning the investment in the form of productivity and efficiency in their work.

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