How FINK helped in transporting branches to an exhibition of landscape art in France

Brazil’s natural diversity is one of the most complex aspects of our national territory. Due to its continental dimension, placed in a predominantly vertical position on the globe, we have diverse types of biomes that create one of the world’s most unique ecosystems.

This fact arouses the interest of several international agents, especially with regard to our diversity of species, which implies the multiple colors, forms and textures of the Brazilian flora. The Cerrado biome in the state of Minas Gerais, which covers areas of the center-west, north and northeast of the state, also presents this vast natural range, and will be the object of the installation Pyro Paysage in the International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire.

The project intends to highlight the adaptive aspect of this vegetation to fires, a common problem in the region, whether due to natural issues caused by the hot, dry weather, or through human actions. The Cerrado has created natural mechanisms for adapting to its degradation. This evidence is the subject of the installation.

And for the work to gain life, a large amount of branches from diverse species of this biome will be exhibited on French territory. FINK is proud to be part of this story, undertaking the responsibility of collecting, storing, and transporting this material from Brazil until its arrival at Chaumont-sur-Loire, in the central region of France. 

The packing, transportation and storage of the branches also required great zeal, since each sample was packed by our team with the aim of avoiding damage caused by their transportation until arrival in Europe. All the branches were wrapped in bubble wrap, which avoids impact damage.

The whole cargo was dispatched to the port of Le Havre, in France, leaving from Rio de Janeiro. FINK’s work in an international project such as this one is not limited to the care of the transported objects. It also covers regulation issues in the moving of these materials, which must adhere to international legislation. This is still another aspect that demands perfect planning by international transport services. 

The installation will be open for visitation at the International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire from April 23 to November 1, 2020. More information about the several installations is in the official site of the event.

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