International relocation and schools for children

One of the greatest concerns of families who are moving to another country is, certainly, with respect to their children’s education. This aspect, together with the safety of the neighborhood and the local health system are the major points to be decided in a move.

In the case of education, a prior planning of the whole process is essential to the job. It’s important to understand all about the teaching structure of the destination country, in order to make a correct and well thought out decision, with no great urgency.

In the USA, for instance, the educational system for the vast majority of the population is public. However, the quality and structure of the school vary geographically. This is because the school’s revenue is indexed to property taxes, so a neighborhood that collects more taxes can invest in a bigger teaching structure. This leads to the population deciding on where to live based on the quality of local teaching.

The great majority of European countries do not present that model. They offer, however, public and universal education. Thus, it is known that public schools will have the same level of teaching anywhere. This information, in turn, changes the strategy for choosing a residence.

In countries that cannot offer the same level of public education as in the first world, the work of planning is more complex. It’s necessary to search for private institutions that can offer a good level of teaching, and, in certain contexts, this is a great challenge.

Furthermore, there is still the question of language, and it’s necessary to know if there are schools that can offer the language preferred by the family.

This demands knowing about the specific city, and much research by the relocation team. Finally, it also becomes a defining factor in localizing the new residence, since the proximity to the school is a defining question in this model of international moves.

FINK counts on a team with vast technical knowledge about international moves. We are a reference in the market, being part of the sector’s major associations, and catering to the market’s most demanding clients.

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