Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches guidebooks to help Brazilian professionals abroad

If you dream of working in another country, you must organize plans to make your dream come true. The most important one – irrespective of your destination country – is to have access to all the necessary information about the labor legislation of the chosen country. Thus, you will be able to obtain the essential documents in order not to be classified as an emigrant in an irregular situation. Another important tip is to read very attentively the work contract that was signed, and always to keep your copies and to observe all its terms. It is only by paying great attention to what was signed that you will be able to avoid embarrassment and abuse from employers when they perceive a worker’s vulnerable situation.

Produced by the Ministry of Labor and Employment, the guidebook “Brasileiros e brasileiras no exterior” (Brazilian Men and Women Abroad) offers, in its 69 pages, useful information for Brazilians that wish to live abroad. The publication deals with topics such as verifying health conditions, obtaining different types of visas, avoiding problems at airports and frontier checkpoints, deportation and difficulties common among tourists. The book gives information about services rendered by consulates, immigrants’ rights, workers’ rights, Education, entitlement to Health, Social Security, Social Assistance, and other important information.

Another publication issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the manual “Orientações para o trabalho no exterior – modelos, jogadores de futebol  e outros profissionais brasileiros” (Orientation for working abroad – models, football players and other Brazilian professionals). With free access on the site Portal Consular, the booklet should be read before the worker signs any work contract. The guidebook, with 61 pages, covers the following themes: contracts, work visas, retention of passports, culture shock, salary, and exploitation of labor. Furthermore, there’s information for professionals that work in restaurants, and how to seek out the Brazilian embassy when necessary. The aim of the guidebook is to protect Brazilian workers from professional abuse.

Consular assistance to Brazilian workers abroad

The Portal Consular informs that Brazilian consular agents will offer assistance to natives abroad, irrespective of their migratory status in the country. The Brazilian Consular Network will never denounce its citizens to foreign authorities. However, the Brazilian Government strongly recommends that Brazilians abroad should always try to be in a regular migratory situation. In cases when Brazilians are at a security risk due to their migratory situation, measures may be taken in the sense of advising them about steps to regularize their migratory situation.

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