Moving with pets:  how to prepare your pets!

Moving can be stressful for everyone, including our pets. 

For those who have a pet, it’s essential to be even more careful during this period.  

Dogs and cats are territorial animals and can feel uncomfortable with changes and new spaces. Therefore, adaptation requires a careful and thorough integration process. 

Below are some tips we’ve prepared to make the process easier. 

Before the move:  

To make it easier for your pet to adapt during the move, keep the routine of feeding, playing and walking as usual to reduce stress.  

Also, avoid washing your pet’s bedding, toys, and other items before the move, as the familiar scent of these objects is comforting. Only sanitize these items after you arrive at your new home.

 During the move  

Keep your pet away from the moving chaos to minimize stress. Dogs can stay with friends, relatives, or in a pet hotel, while cats should be kept in a separate room to prevent escapes. Store your pet’s items, such as their bed, litter box, and toys, last to maintain a sense of security. Additionally, pay special attention to transporting your pet to ensure a smooth transition.

After the move 

Only introduce your pet to the new home once the move is complete. Set up a designated area with their bed and toys to help them feel at home. Cats, in particular, may find it harder to adapt to new environments, so allow them to explore gradually. Use pheromones to help calm them during this process.

Monitor your pet’s behavior after the move; if you notice significant changes such as aggression, excessive barking, or loss of appetite, consult a veterinarian.

International moves  

When moving internationally, it’s crucial to plan well in advance and consider additional details. Check the destination country’s requirements, including documentation, vaccinations, and regulations for transporting animals. Choose an airline experienced in pet transport and provide a suitable, comfortable transport crate that meets international standards. Additionally, organize all necessary documents, such as health certificates and proof of vaccination, and consult the consulate or embassy of your destination for any additional information.

FINK has a specialized team to handle all the details of transporting and relocating your pet worldwide.

Our commitment is to ensure a safe and comfortable experience with personalized attention at every stage of the journey. With a careful and attentive approach, you can help your furry friend adapt to their new home smoothly and harmoniously.

Check out our other posts on the subject:

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