The outstanding characteristics of an expatriate’s personality

One of the most interesting experiences we can have in life is living away from our country. The main motivation for such an event is normally connected to work or study opportunities, which represent a new type of challenge in anyone’s life.

Therefore, the personality of successful expats has very specific characteristics. These are clearly developed throughout the expats’ journey, shaping their way of seeing the world based on all the complexity of life away from one’s native country.

This takes us to the main challenge in the life of expats: the different culture of their new home. It’s very common for people that have recently moved to other countries to feel great discomfort in their new daily life. This is common, due to the fact that the small cultural habits that we cultivate throughout our life are abruptly ruptured when we are in another ambience.

The major characteristic that is molded to the personality of expats is their resilience and adaptability to new ambiences. When we work on this aspect of social coexistence, we learn very quickly about the cultural practices imprinted on another country’s daily life: this includes work, casual social relations, at a university and in diverse other places in life.

This vision of the world is connected to one of the principles most evident in expats: they are people who value greatly their freedom. No matter how much we adapt to the ambience around us, we have a series of characteristics that are unchangeable. They formed us, and are imprinted on our ways of life. Based on that, those who live in a different culture understand the importance of being respected in their peculiarities, while respecting the peculiarities of others.

When we reach this idea of freedom, we create bonds of friendship with people around us much more easily. For expats, friends are the foundations of life, because they become a family we can count on, with whom we share our experiences and important moments.

Currently, there are over 250 million expatriates in the world. They are many families that create their bonds uniquely, teaching and learning from the people around them. This multiplicity creates a better and more open mentality, based on freedom of expression and cultural diversity.

At FINK, we are highly prepared to help expatriates find solutions for their new life, whether Brazilians going to new countries, or foreigners arriving in Brazil. We go beyond the pragmatic aspects of the work of relocation: we use our intelligence and specialization to help in every aspect of the adaptation of expats, offering cultural training so that they and their families begin adapting to their new country even before moving there. This is how we contribute to the world we want to build.

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