Procedures for changes during the pandemic

The world is undergoing a challenging period. The novel coronavirus pandemic forces us to adapt many of our daily habits, just as it forced us to revise priorities and postpone commitments.

However, there are situations that cannot be postponed. The planning of a move, for instance, can be very difficult to reschedule, for various personal reasons. This is why the companies in this sector were considered essential by the Brazilian government, even in a quarantine period.

FINK, for instance, adapted its practices in necessary points, instituting protocols that involved hand sanitizing and social distancing for its collaborators. Furthermore, we increased the use of digital tools, such as virtual survey, a practice at which we are pioneers in Brazil.

However, in the first place, what can the client do to avoid risk? There are some important practices that can reduce considerably any risk and enables a tranquil move.

In the case of a move with families, it is essential to reduce the number of people in contact with the move. This is even more important when elderly people are involved, as well as other people who are part of the at-risk group, such as those who have diabetes, hypertension, or pulmonary problems. If possible, the ideal is to put these members of the family in a hotel, where they will be safe and isolated until the process of moving is finished.

The clients in contact with the process of moving should take every precaution as to social distancing and sanitizing. They should avoid as much as possible contact with other people and surfaces shared by many people. They should always carry a bottle of alcohol gel and, if possible, often wash their hands with soap. This reduces the risk of contamination.

At the end of the move, do not forget to sanitize the furniture touched by the moving crew and other people involved in the work. This is extremely important, since the virus survives for several hours and even days on any surface.

Lastly, we must all keep calm and try, in some way, to carry on with life. Situations such as a move may be impossible to postpone, and can be executed by competent professionals that follow safety protocols.

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