Why it is important to reschedule major events in the context of COVIDE-19

With the arrival of a pandemic of proportions never seen in a century, we see the suspension of practically all major events all over the world. Art expositions, fairs, shows, sports events and several others have suffered in this scenario.

Therefore, we must reflect on the impact these actions, necessary at the moment, will have on several markets directly or indirectly linked to these events. The cancellation of fairs, shows and expositions leads to the total loss of the investment planned by all of the parties involved in its structuring.

Producers, businessmen, sponsors and many other segments are strongly impacted. The logistics branch, an essential part of this process, is also impacted. The mounting of major events is an important part of our work, generates jobs, heats up the economy, and brings life to cities.

It’s evident that, in this scenario, events must be suspended. However, the best way to resolve this situation is by rescheduling them on new dates.

This way, the public doesn’t miss the opportunity of having a pleasant experience, and the participants in the processes of planning, mounting, and executing the events also keep their businesses alive. It’s an extremely important step in the contexts of economic fragility such as we are having nowadays.

The FINK Events Division can help in the new plans for the event, and is operating according to all the protocols of health and safety.

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