Express Entry, the opportunity for professional entry to Canada

The dream of living in Canada is quite common among Brazilians. Due to this, Brazil is in the list of the 10 countries with the most expatriate citizens working in Canada. The explanation is simple: the ease for foreigners to enter the country due to the economic expansion, while political and national security issues are not part of the immigration process, as happens in the United States, for example. Proof of this is that 80% of the population growth in the country currently corresponds to the entrance of foreigners.

For the Canadian Government, there are three types of immigrants: qualified workers, future spouses, and refugees. In the first group, over 160 thousand foreigners entered Canada in 2018, with a guaranteed job, a work visa and, later, the concession of fixed residence. And the good news is that, according to Statistics Canada, the country’s main research institution, the need for new professionals is extremely urgent.

According to the latest report from Statistics Canada, 430 thousand job openings remained vacant in 2018. The best doorway to that is Express Entry, an online system to manage residence visas for qualified workers. The process of candidacy and eligibility includes proof of professional experience, education and linguistic competence for each type of job opening.

After filling in the form, the candidates must send in their documents, pay fees and formalize their registration. If eligible, candidates will be called for interviews both in their country of origin and in Canada. For more information access:

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