FINK and Education: From Plane to Canoe: the books’ journey in a fascinating logistic project

Imagine a textbook distribution project for all students in Brazil’s public education network. It’s something as fascinating as huge. The project, called “Programa Nacional do Livro Didático” (National Textbook Program) (PNLD), is one of the oldest currently in force and has started in 1929. Eighty years facing the difficulties that a country with continental dimensions can pose, in the name of education.

And we are proud to be part of this history. During the 1980s, FINK was responsible for the distribution of all these textbooks throughout Brazil. A major scale operation was coordinated, with millions and millions of textbooks ready to be delivered to Brazilian students.

In the logistics of shipment separation, a large shed was divided into sectors corresponding to each textbook subject. In a time still lacking the power of current computing, such a task was much more difficult and detailed.

To carry out the delivery, more challenges are faced. Brazil has some very difficult-to-access regions, often impossible to reach with the usual means of transportation, such as cars and trucks. In case of riverside areas, for example, the transport of the textbooks was carried out by canoes, in the northern region of Brazil.

However, no difficulty would surpass the greatness of such an important project for the construction of a quality education in Brazil. FINK is proud to have contributed so significantly, and to have had the opportunity to write its name in the history of Brazilian education.

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