FINK guarantees all the care needed for a move that includes pets

Friends are never left behind. The many changes in our lives lead us to change dwellings, and even move to different cities, states or countries. And when this happens, we must understand that our pets are not like old furniture that can be given away, sold or abandoned somewhere. The first thought that comes to mind when we consider the practical part of our move is that taking a pet to the new home will be hard to do – especially in international moves – but FINK is here to show you that, with the help of a specialized company, this process becomes quite simple.

With almost one century of experience in moves, both national and international, FINK has all the tools needed to guarantee comfort and safety in everything pertaining to moving house. This expertise covers the whole family, household items and, of course, pets. Concerning pets, FINK guarantees that the process will be extremely safe for your pet, avoiding any kind of traumatic situation and watching over the pet’s health and safety.

And this care for your pet goes from identifying to arranging all the prerequisites that the destination requires for this kind of situation. Our advice for the move that includes pets covers the choice of airline, the transport box required, all the documentation needed, the embarkation and disembarkation, escorting your pets and their caretakers from point to point in this new journey in the family’s life. For more information about the service, access:

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