Fink is affiliated to the world’s main movers associations: how this impacts our service

Within any industry, it is extremely important that companies be connected to the main associations that certify their excellence in their area of activity. In the industry of immigration, relocation, moving, and logistics for artwork and events, it is no different. In the international scope, there are several associations that play an important role in this very specialized market.

FINK is affiliated to the main international entities in the industry of the people mobility and of the logistics, packing and transportation of artwork and cargo for commercial fairs and cultural and sports events. This means credibility, training, opportunities and certifications that make the company even more solid. All this added to our historical cases of quality, and our almost 100 years of tradition – we have an institution that is extremely solid and well connected.

In practical terms, the affiliation to these institutions brings various benefits to its affiliates. The annual conventions organized by these associations offer a space for dialogue and exchange of information between the world’s main companies for immigration, relocation, international moves, logistics for artwork and events, besides constant information about new technologies, new materials and techniques being developed in the world. Moreover, some of these associations have strict criteria, codes of ethics, compliance rules that its affiliates must respect, as is the case of FIDI and LACMA.

The quality certifications issued by some of these associations are also highly important for the affiliates and, especially, for the companies’ clients. The FIDI FAIM certification program, for example, presents its seal only to companies that fulfill all the demands for quality, as well as its anti-corruption, anti-cartel and anti-trust codes, which means belonging to a select group of companies. FINK is proud of not only having this certificate renewed annually since the year 2000, but also of being one of the few companies in all the world that for several years has been classified by Ernst&Young as TOP PERFORMER, for presenting 100% compliance to the innumerable queries, attesting its excellence in the market in a continuous way. 

FINK also has the ISO 9000: 2015 issued by the DNV, besides specific certifications in diverse areas of the company.

Finally, the associations are great diffusers of knowledge. They offer programs for professional improvement that guarantee an excellent execution of services. This is the case of several presesntial and virtual courses offered by FIDI, LACMA, IAM, among others, that cover capacitation of new professionals, training in packing techniques for all kinds of items, with special attention to artwork, logistics coordination, management and leadership applied to the specifics of the industry of international mobility, insurances, financial administration and even training for blockchain and its impact on the international mobility of people.

Therefore, we perceive that participation in the major international associations is a fundamental part of our work, for it guarantees the success and good execution of our services through capacitation, networking, and certifications.

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