Fink Mobility participates Of The 2019 LACMA Convention in Panama City

This year, LACMA – Latin America and Caribbean Movers Association – celebrates 50 years. The celebration had the objective of strengthening the friendship and partnership between many agents from around the world, reconfirming the common goals of success and of an ongoing development of the international moving industry.

FINK MOBILITY has special bonds with LACMA, which have gotten stronger over the years. Paul Richard Klien, from the FINK family, was a founding member and also the first LACMA President. Years later, Thomas Klien, Paul Klien´s son, was the youngest elected President and, more recently, FINK CEO, Laura Ganon, was the first female President of LACMA.

We, from FINK MOBILITY, feel deeply honored to be part of LACMA, with whose values we have complete identification. We are very glad to congratulate its birthday.

{gallery}Convencao LACMA 2019{/gallery}


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