Government publishes handbook for the recuperation of Tourism

The Ministry of Tourism coordinates the campaign “Travel Responsibly. Rediscover Brazil”.

The Federal government has prepared a consistent plan for the recuperation of tourism in Brazil. Betting on short trips between states, the Ministry of Tourism has launched the campaign “Travel Responsibly. Rediscover Brazil” as a way of reacting to the losses in the sector, one of the most affected by the new coronavirus pandemic in 2020. And the project divulged by the government is ambitious: it will be one of the projects responsible for leading the recuperation of the country’s Economy in 2021, beginning in January and registering effective results by July 31st, two of the months considered high season due to school vacations.

The program is part of the Project “Recuperation of Tourism” that has four main objectives: preservation of companies and jobs in the tourism sector; improvement in the structure and qualification of destinations; implantation of biosecurity protocols; and promotion and stimulation of travel. To that end, among other measures, is the concession of credit lines in order to capitalize employers and improvements in tourist destinations, funded by the public and private sectors, third sector and S System.

Safe trip

Considering the demands in sanitation and safety prescribed by the main Health organs in the world, the handbook recommends that travelers should lodge and seek tourist programs in places that have the “Seal of Responsible, Clean and Safe Tourism”. The certification created by the Ministry of Tourism is an incentive for travelers – who will feel safe to be in places that comply to the protocols of prevention of Covid-19 – as well as for travel agencies, hotels, resorts and hostels, recognized as compliant with the protocols of biosecurity, as guaranteed the Minister of Tourism Marcelo Álvaro Antônio.

“We can affirm that Brazilian tourism is prepared to receive you. Look for establishments that have the Seal of Responsible Tourism. There are more than 23 thousand establishments all over Brazil complying to biosecurity protocols and showing that they are truly concerned with the health of the tourist and with the country’s economic development” informed the Minister.

To receive the seal, tourist companies and guides must be duly inscribed in the Cadastur (Cadastro de Prestadores de Serviços Turísticos), access:

The importance of “Travel Responsibly. Rediscover Brazil”.

In Brazil, the tourism sector employs, directly or indirectly, over 7 million people and corresponds to 8.1% of the GDP. Therefore, the measures divulged by the Government aim to combat the cancellation of trips due to the pandemic, a fact that has drastically impacted the life of workers and companies in the sector. To have an idea of the problem, in last year’s first semester, the Tourist Exchange Revenue fell 37.2% in relation to the same period in 2019. This reflected on the balance of lay-offs and hiring, with a loss of 364.044 formal jobs.

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