How museums, cinemas and theaters have been adapting for a safe reopening

Closed for months due to the new coronavirus pandemic, cultural venues begin receiving the general public again.

The arts and entertainment sector was, without a doubt, one of the most affected by the new coronavirus pandemic. With the closing of museums, cinemas and theaters – due to the social isolation enforced by governors throughout the country – the cultural centers faced, and are still facing, challenges to the maintenance of their services, which are partially returning. To that end, all recommendations from the WHO and the Ministry of Health must be strictly complied with, to ensure the safety of the general public and the employees of those spaces.

In cinemas, the hygiene and safety procedures against Covid-19 have been amplified, with the availability of alcohol gel dispensers strategically placed throughout the venue. Lovers of the seventh art and all employees of the complex must use masks correctly, covering mouth and nose, and temperature must be checked at the entrance to the venue. Purchase of tickets online is recommended, but, in any case, the lines to the box office and to the entrance must respect the distance of 1m50 between spectators, as well as having marked seats that should remain vacant in order to guarantee the safety distance. After each session, the seats, cup holders, bannisters and other common areas must be sanitized.

The reopening protocol for museums follows a similar sanitary safety guidebook against the new coronavirus for the protection of staff and visitors, with permanent sanitizing, distancing and online sales. The definitions were publicized by the International Council of Museums – ICOM, with a document divided into six topics: preparation for arrival of the public; Public access – Adapting visitors’ flux; Public access – Strengthening of health measures; Reception and safety personnel; Cleaning and conservation measures; and In the office. Consult the document, which also guarantees protection of permanent collection at:

Lastly, the protocols adopted by theaters for the prevention against Covid-19 also embrace, besides checking temperatures, reduction of available tickets for maintaining distancing between seats, and the availability of alcohol 70% throughout the venue. The team in charge of the place must use PPE’s and demand the use of masks by clients. Professionals also guide entrance to and exit from rooms, to avoid crowding and, as in cinemas and museums, offer a safe return to cultural manifestations.

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