How the “Literature Before Reading” project helps the formation of children in Rio de Janeiro

The ability to read and write and a taste for literature are essential elements in the civic and critical formation of any citizen in the world. Furthermore, they are unalienable rights of the human being, guaranteed in documents such as the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Aiming at this formation, often very weak in the national public education system, we collaborate with the “Literature before Reading” project. Two children’s literary works were chosen to be read to children in the process of literacy in the municipal school Madre Tereza de Calcutá, in Rio de Janeiro.

The reading developed into pedagogic analyses of the stories by teachers in the classroom. The school received 450 copies of each work for recurrent use in the pedagogic process.

Actions such as this are reflected not only in the objective of acquiring literacy. Actually, it is a stimulating vector for several important areas in the evolution of the student. The contact with the ludic, later scrutinized in the classroom, helps in the evolution of a person’s critical sense.

It’s important for companies to have a sense of responsibility in their community actions. Actions such as this one contribute to the development of a nation that is strong, critical, educated and, consequently, more egalitarian.

The project “Literature before Reading” is part of our action for the social and environmental awareness of our community. Check out what we think about this subject at:

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