How to adapt yourself to a new city

In a globalized world, territorial boundaries are becoming smaller, while the amounts of changes are increasing. Our generation moves and lives much longer than our parents’ generation – whatever their age. And a moment of crisis, like what Brazil is going through, leads many people to think about change. Whether it would be a professional question, or simply to escape the insecurity of the big cities. Every change needs a time to be matured and, mainly, an interior preparation to face these new challenges.

First of all, look for your new place of residence. Explore virtual tips on specialized sites or even groups formed in social networks about the new city and the new neighborhood. Look for information with friends or even with the employer – in case you are leaving because of a new job. From there, it’s all about opening up to the unknown and launching into new adventures and encounters.

Know your neighborhood well. Take a day to walk, even walk, through the streets and observe everything that is in your surroundings. The bakery that is a classic of the neighborhood, the newsstand closest to your home, as well as the bars and restaurants that gather neighbors are important landmarks. Leave the shame aside and interact. The simple fact of asking the concierge where the most delicious ice cream parlor of the neighborhood is created creates a feeling of comfort and normality.

Another important point is to maintain a routine. If you always go to the same market you will end up recognizing boxes, securities and even neighbors. This helps you stay familiar with the environment. If by chance you do not know anyone who lives in the same city, how about activating the network of co-workers?

Do not be afraid to say that you are alone. This will help you expand your network of relationships. And if you still cannot find a friend, how about looking for activities outside the workplace? Whether it is a course or a physical activity that interests you, choose something that allows you to get in touch with people with interests similar to yours.

And if Sunday comes and melancholy comes along with it, why not scare away the negative vibe by knowing the sights of the city? It may sound like a beaten program, but it’s not. The more intimacy with the new city you have, the more embraced and welcomed you will feel. The most important thing in a new city is to stop feeling foreign or, in other words, to add belonging to the place.

For example, if you are in São Paulo, do not forget to walk along Avenida Paulista, if you are in Rio de Janeiro, ride a bicycle at Aterro do Flamengo and, if your destination is Brasilia, choose one of the wonderful parks to call of his, like the City Park.

Of course the comparisons with the hometown will always come up. Especially if the culture is different. For these aspects to be minimized, look for a look of generosity toward the new environment. Watch for new opportunities and grow with them. Finding your favorite place will help you feel part of a whole much less lonely.

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