How to make friends in a new city

Moving house is a challenge. Moving to another city is an even greater challenge. No matter that novelty always brings possibilities for a better life, it’s scary, isn’t it? Not even the opportunity for learning a new culture, adopting new habits, besides the chance for a healthier, calmer life, lessen the fear of the still unknown. Moreover, the main thing: beginning life again, leaving behind all that was bad in the old city, neighborhood and house. Sometimes, not even these advantages seem to tranquilize completely those who are going to build a new home in an unfamiliar ambience.

For instance, one of the major worries for someone who is moving to a new town is leaving behind the physical company of friends, which is natural. After all, people can’t be replaced like houses. Missing someone can only be remedied by being with the person again. And that’s the case. Even if the companionship isn’t as frequent as before, the friendship will live on and can be refreshed by occasional visits to each other.

Furthermore, it’s always good to remember that, before building up a friendship, you also went through the experience of meeting and having a relationship with someone until you finally considered him/her a friend. With this in mind, the main thing is to be open to new friendships, and not to despair. There are specific places that facilitate meeting new people, based on the repetition of the meetings: at work, at school, and in the neighborhood around you.

For those who are communicative, any place is good for meeting people, whether on public transport that is often used, or at a bakery or a newspaper stand. However, if you are more timid, a good bet is meeting people who share your interests and passions. For this, it’s a good idea to enroll in a language course, a dancing or singing class, a gym, or whatever your hobby might be.

It’s much easier to have talking points in common with someone who shares your tastes and will be at your side, even if as a stranger at first. Another good bet is frequenting ambiences that are more favorable and receptive to an exchange of words, such as a café near your home, a little bar at happy hour, or outdoor venues, such as parks and squares near your house. Anyway, do not despair! Soon you’ll have someone to share your day with, never forgetting the old friends you left behind.

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