How to take your valuable artwork to another country

Art lovers know: their items are worth much more than their market price. Historical importance and personal feelings have incalculable value, and require a high degree of conservation of the pieces, especially when it is necessary to move them to a new location, either definitely or temporarily, as in expositions. This being said, it is indispensable that the transportation of the collection – be it to another city, state, or even country – should be made by a specialized team capable of ensuring the maximum safety of the artwork. With vast experience and international recognition in this type of transportation, FINK has been transporting, with complete safety, for over two decades, priceless artwork.

The dedication and rigor with the preservation of the pieces is a trademark of the service offered by FINK in every phase of the process: from the packing of the items, to their handling, their careful transportation and, finally, their successful delivery. The excellence of the service is due to the studies, research, and acute techniques by our specialists throughout the long years we have been transporting artwork to museums, expositions, or residences, always listening and attending to collectors, museologists, curators and producers of cultural shows. If our professionals are always up to date with everything that is modern in the field, we can say the same about our vehicles, which respect the temperature control required in the transportation of certain items, such as oil paintings and antiques, for instance.

However, our service is not restricted to the packing and safe transportation of your artwork. FINK has a specialized team to offer assistance and consulting for the import and export of pieces, after a technical analysis of the items. Furthermore, FINK helps in the authorization by SISCOMEX (RADAR), a necessary document for the import and export of artwork, as well as being able to be the Importer of Record, that is, the company responsible for enabling the temporary admission without the contractor having to obtain documents through the ATA Carnet, a “Passport for merchandise” – an international customs document that allows temporary export and admission, free of taxes and with exemption for non-perishable goods for up to one year.

Check below for answers to the most frequent questions on the subject:

What is needed to make a budget for the import of artwork to Brazil?

Firstly, we need a list of all the details and values of each artwork, its origin and destination.
We also need to know if the import is for an exposition or fair, or if it’s a permanent import. With this information in hand, FINK can offer full consulting and assistance for the import.

What is needed to make a budget for the export of artwork for an exposition abroad?

The same as for the import, we need to know all the details of the artwork, origin and destination, and the exposition or fair to which it is going. With this information in hand, FINK can offer full consultation and assistance for the export.

Can any company/person import or export artwork for expositions or fairs?

Only companies/persons authorized by SISCOMEX (RADAR) can import or export.

Can FINK provide my authorization from SISCOMEX (RADAR)?

Yes, FINK can deal with everything, as long as the company/person presents the proper documentation required by the authorities. FINK will inform you of the necessary documents.

How can I import if I don’t have RADAR?

For imports or exports in temporary admission, FINK can be your Importer of Record. That is, we import in the name of FINK to enable the temporary admission.

Does Brazil accept the ATA Carnet?

Yes, Brazil accepts the ATA Carnet, and FINK is ready to take care of everything to export and import through the ATA Carnet.

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