In the midst of the exchange there was a pandemic. Learn how to reorganize your trip

If, on the one hand, going on an exchange requires consistent planning, on the other hand, creating projections on a year marked by a pandemic that requires social distancing is an absolute challenge. Proof of this are the thousands of students that decided to study abroad in 2020, but had to change their plans because of the coronavirus. However, after over 8 months since the arrival of the virus in our country, and with the relaxing of the quarantine in Brazil and in other countries all over the world, the time has come to think about 2021 and resume projects that were unfulfilled in this atypical year.

At least this is the opinion of 90% of the students who are waiting to resume their plans for studying abroad, according to a research conducted by the Associação Brasileira de Agências de Intercâmbio (Belta) (Brazilian Educational and Language Travel Association)Agências de Intercâmbio (Belta) (Brazilian Educational and Language Travel Association). Therefore, the watchword that must be followed by students is: up-to-date information* and respect for health protocols. In fear of a second wave of the virus, some European countries, for instance, maintain strict determinations, such as a 14 day quarantine for new arrivals, while other countries have banned the entrance of foreigners again, for an indeterminate period.

“We must also verify if airline companies offer flights to those places. Furthermore, we must also check if visas are required, and the rules for permission and operation of consulates” said Maura Leão, president of Belta, to the newspaper Estadão.

This said, it is fundamental to keep up-to-date about what is going on in the destination country, in order to plan correctly, as well as respecting the protocols determined by the destination country, beginning on arrival at the airport. In order to help you, we have listed the main destination countries for Brazilians, with information about the determinations for entry. We begin with Germany, which has liberated entry with restrictions: only for university level students with a negative SARS-Cov-2 test made on entering the country.

In France and in Portugal, the requirement is the demand for another test, the negative molecular test result (PCR) for Covid-19, taken in the 72 hours before the departure flight. In the United Kingdom and in Ireland, besides filling in a health certificate, the student must remain in quarantine for 14 days. In Switzerland, besides social distancing for 10 days, only students registered for courses of over 90 days are accepted.

In Canada, besides the study permit, students who arrive in the country must stay in quarantine for 14 days. In Holland, students need a notification letter issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), beside filling in a health form and being quarantined for 10 days, beginning from the date of arrival.

If you are going on an exchange, FINK can help you on a temporary move to another country: with SimpliFINK, you needn’t worry about a thing, from packing to dispatching your goods. We count on collaborators who are responsible for packing and managing the process of customs liberation, both in Brazil and in the destination country. We also help with boarding the plane, in association with the best international airlines. Know more at:

*Restrictions and authorizations regarding the entry of foreigners in the countries mentioned in this article may be changed depending on the quantity of new cases of Covid-19. Always seek current information.

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