Learn all about the world trends for trips, according to Airbnb

Remote work abroad, domestic trips and reconnection attract tourists.

The new coronavirus pandemic has impacted several areas of our society, and one of them was the tourism sector. With all the restrictions needed for the containment of the virus, finding somewhere to go, be it by bus, ship or plane, became a difficult task for travelers. The changes in the wishes and behavior of those who decide to go out and visit another destination is proof of this, as shown by a research on the Airbnb accommodation site.

Safety measures in lodgings and local tourist spots, besides remeeting friends and relatives in places with fewer people, are what travelers desire. According to the online accommodation service, the pandemic has created three travel trends for this year, called “living somewhere else”, “hyperlocal destinations” and “reconnection trips”.

With regard to the first trend, Airbnb ordered a study from ClearPath Strategies that showed interesting data about the perception of those who work in home office. 83% of those interviewed showed a wish to work remotely somewhere else, not in their own homes. 60% of parents interviewed wish to travel with their children while presential teaching is interrupted, whereas 20% have already moved to another house since the beginning of the pandemic.

With regard to “Hyperlocal destinations”, Airbnb reveals that 62% of those interviewed are interested in domestic trips. Among Brazilians, the site has revealed an expressive increase of reservations for entire houses in the country or in smaller and coastal towns, both at up to 300km from urban centers. The research reveals a great interest of the participants in experiences such as tree houses, floating houses, and cabins. Among the main destinations we find: São Sebastião, Ubatuba, Campos do Jordão, Riviera de São Lourenço, Petrópolis, Ilhabela, Ipojuca, Búzios, Angra dos Reis, Resende, Tibau do Sul, Imbituba, Caraguatatuba,
Urubici, São José dos Campos, Sorocaba.

Lastly, “reconnection trips” have become essential for travelers. Airbnb’s data show that the distance between friends and family caused by the need for social isolation was responsible for this trend. 37% of the participants have promoted, or want to promote, trips near to people with which they have affectional bonds. According to the site, the reconnection trips represent those who wish to be near to people outside their daily circle, but without giving up isolation. This trend will continue growing at least until the end of this year.

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