Moving house? Do it during the school vacation

If moving house – without the assistance of a specialized company – is a challenge for adults, it becomes even more complex when children are involved, especially if it’s an international move.

Way beyond the work of organizing everything related to the paperwork and to which belongings should be taken, the enormous change in life can produce an impact even greater than the distance between origin and destination on the children’s lives. Yes, because if we, as adults, can look further ahead, understanding the need for the move and the benefits it will bring, for children it may not work that way, since youngsters are more susceptible to insecurity when routines are upset.

Why move during vacation?

Why not facilitate the children’s life, and, consequently, your own, too? The best time for moving is during the school vacation, without interrupting the school year, at the end of the yearly cycle. During vacation it will also be possible to spend more time with the children, giving them psychological and emotional support, and answering questions about their new life. Time also helps in presenting the new leisure options in the different town. With luck, there may be other children, also on vacation, available for forming new friendships.

The cares for each age

The level of talks and preparation for each child depends on age. If, up to 3 years of age, children are more open to what is happening, for at this age they don’t have an exact notion of time and space, they still need more attention and care. Care is the most appropriate word, because we mustn’t show any stress, for they absorb everything, and will soon become nervous without even knowing why, simply through imitation.

For older children, the best formula is dialogue. Present a wide range of possibilities for a new and happy life in their future city. It is worthwhile showing photos and videos on the internet, as well as taking them to visit the area as soon as you’ve settled in. The natural insecurity caused by their distance from school and neighborhood friends must be discussed, showing them that their relationships won’t end, since it will be possible to keep in touch via internet and telephone, without completely cutting their ties.

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