Moving without fear – The benefits of a new life

You have lived in the same house for years, and each part of it holds a memory. You decorated it and made it a home. No, it isn’t easy to let go and leave everything behind. It’s natural to be attached to the old and afraid of the new. What if the new house isn’t as good as the old one, you wonder. However, stop and think: you were the one who built the memories and the attachment. You were the one who bought the furniture and arranged it. And you will be the one to make the new house a home.

 Without you – and without the love and importance that you attach to the house – it’s nothing more than a dwelling, made of bricks, a floor, a roof, and windows. You are the one who will make it a home, wherever it may be. Envision the house as an extension of your personality. And if your life needs a change, know that moving house is a big step towards and inner and decisive transformation in your life.

Look at the move from two viewpoints: the first, leaving behind all your bad experiences (a noisy neighbor, or an unfriendly one, few facilities nearby, etc.); the second, like a New Year’s promise, visualizing the possibility of putting into practice everything you wish for in a new life. Moving house is like assessing your own life. Moving house is a chance to make a fair copy of your history.

Always think of moving as an opportunity. Be it for a healthier routine or for new leisure activities. Besides, of course, the fact that the geographical move is clearly a chance for making new friends, or even finding a new love. And, if even after this text, you’re still afraid, the tip is: “Go. And if you’re afraid, go anyway!”

Understand that life is made up of cycles, and every cycle has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Like the verses in composer Lulu Santos’s song, Como uma onda no mar, (Like a wave in the sea), this is inevitable, natural, and needn’t be seen in a negative way, on the contrary: Everything changes all the time in the world/ It’s no use running away/ Nor lying to yourself now/ There’s so much out there/ Here inside, always/ Like a wave in the sea.

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