New Normal: with the flexibilization of social distancing and a series of safety measures, some companies have returned to office work

Learn about the safety measures that companies must follow with the end of the home office.

The flexibilization of the social distancing imposed by the coronavirus pandemic has allowed some companies to restore presential routine and have workers return to the office after months in home offices. However, as the pandemic has not ended yet, safety protocols must be strictly followed in order to preserve collaborators’ health. This requires the adaptation of shared spaces, constant sanitizing, and planned shifts that avoid crowded work space.

According to research by IBGE, around 11.2 million workers, from diverse cities in the country, have left the remote work system and have returned to their companies amidst concerns that begin with the choice of these professionals. Firstly, companies must strictly follow the recommendations of the booklet “A safe and healthy return to work during the COVID-19 pandemic” prepared by the International Labor Organization (ILO), as well as the Joint Ordinance n⁰ 20, published by the Special Department for Social Security and Labor and the Ministry of Health.

These tips for technical and organizational control to ensure the safety of collaborators and avoid the proliferation of the vírus are directly related to the person responsible for the teams: specialists point out that it is preferable to choose collaborators that are not, themselves, in the high risk group, nor live with people of this group, or of school-age (who also study presentially), and these workers should not be exposed to public transport. Done gradually, the return must follow a schedule of shifts and days, in order to avoid crowding. This demands a rigorous team rotation system, which must be applied in phases.

At the entrance to the building, checking temperatures is basic, as well as the triage of those who present symptoms. Within the work ambiance, the traditional office, where workstations are close together, can no longer exist – at least for now. It is necessary to respect the physical distance of 1.50m between employees, with temporary disabling of desks and chairs, duly marked, and, if possible, the installation of acrylic partitions. Moreover, it’s important to enforce a new type of culture: the non-sharing of items usually shared, such as pens and telephones, as well as plates, glasses and silverware in the company’s refectory.

With respect to hygiene, everything must be meticulously and constantly cleaned, both in common areas and in workstations. It is essential that the company supply hygiene equipment for workers, from individual materials to the use of bathrooms, which must be constantly sanitized. From entrance to the building, exit from elevators and throughout installations, gel alcohol dispensers must be strategically placed. Besides opening windows – whenever possible – to maintain air circulation, air conditioners must be cleaned daily, as well as bannisters and doorknobs.

Company HRs must follow a rigid control of what is happening with employees, prioritizing their physical and mental health, which includes the immediate implementation of health measures if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in the workplace. It is suggested that the company offer full support to employees that present symptoms, enabling the effectuation of tests and the quarantine of the employee. Lastly, it is evident that offering guidelines to workers is essential, but it is also very important to hear what they have to say.

FINK Mobility follows all these protective measures to secure employees, clients, and society, maintaining our operations with our usual efficiency and quality. Learn more at:

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