New protocols will become the standard for visiting art museums

The market for cultural and artistic expositions was strongly affected by the new coronavirus pandemic this first semester of 2020. The imposition of quarantines in many of the world’s urban centers caused great stagnation in this market, and its reopening will demand new standards for public visitation.

These protocols must ensure to the utmost a visiting experience that is not risky in terms of biosafety. This involves many factors that must be administrated by the managers of the spaces, with the understanding that precautions against contamination will be a priority at this moment..

First comes the total access of the public at the same time to the internal areas of museums and galleries. Crowding is the greatest risk factor in contagions such as COVID-19. This will demand from the organizers an efficient management of the total number of people to enter the space at the same time.

Greater care regarding the sanitation of the locations will also be a priority in the future of this market. Constant cleaning of the places of collective access, especially of surfaces such as tables, bathrooms, and even interactive devices such as tablets, often used in expositions, will be constantly on the agenda.

Even the transportation and mounting of the expositions will require extra care. It’s important to be careful of the sanitation of boxes and mobile materials during the execution of the work, since the whole structure must be free of contamination.

Finally, it’s important to be aware and perceive the specific demands of each project. The market must be more and more attentive to details, demanding solutions that will be efficient for the managers.

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