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New York beyond guides: three tips for an immersive experience

The city that never sleeps is, without doubt, an incredible place for a visit. Whether you are on vacation or on an exchange program, New York offers unforgettable experiences for tourists. However, it’s interesting to visit places in the city that aren’t necessarily touristic, but are a part of the day-to-day life of the citizens of this beautiful town.

Lately, Brooklyn has become more attractive to tourists. However, it still lacks the visibility of places in Manhattan, for instance. Our first tip is the Brooklyn Bridge Park, which has a beautiful view of the city’s skyline, and offers a pleasant walk along the margins of the Hudson River.

Next, a pizza at Grimaldi’s, one of the most classic and attractive pizzerias of the region. The atmosphere is simple, credit cards aren’t accepted, but it offers the real experience of a New York pizza.

In Queens, there’s a tour that can’t be missed, especially by music lovers. The Louis Armstrong Museum is located in a simple building, Armstrong’s own home, but it is rich with history and the belongings of the great American jazz musician. It’s a typical program that is hard to find if the tourist is focused only on Manhattan.

The Quin Hotel, two blocks away from Central Park, also offers an incredible experience for art lovers. Opened in 1929, this hotel became famous for the presence of painters and artists as its guests. The artistic scene of the town in mid-20th century developed around the hotel, which led many personalities to reside there. In 2013 the hotel was completely renovated, but it didn’t forget its roots. There are several exhibitions and installations available to the public in the lobby – it’s worth a visit!

It would be impossible to list all the incredible destinations to be found in this city. Therefore, New York deserves a well-planned tourist route and more than just one visit.

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